Fairfield NJ (fairfield banks)


This is another place that most riders that have been around a little while have all been to. Close to Rt.46 in Fairfield, you can spot one of the wallrides from the highway. That's just the tip of the iceberg though. Like most decent spots near Morris county (technically the edge of Essex county), this is an industrial park. Since there's not any "real" urban stuff around Morris county, and industrial parks are everywhere here, it's where you are going to find stuff most of the time. Better yet, it's rare that anybody ever fucks with you at all, there's no security guards around anywhere.

 I was taken to these wallrides back in like '90 by my man Chris Budich. We all piled into his stickered-up Chevette with the rack on top with like 5 bikes bungeed together. At the time, like usual, I had no idea where we were. The back windows were covered with GT, Haro and RockvilleBMX stickers, shit I couldn't even see out.


When we pulled up and we all got out, it was like the first time I had seen a good natural wallride, besides Morristown. I think I did some of my first wallrides here, on a GT Pro Performer. But ok, enough backstory already. Spread around this complex are a bunch of different banks, some bank up to walls - one with a hip, one with a high rail on top, one angled with a guardrail on top, one just real big, and a few real long ones up to walls. Most of them are a decent size and pretty smooth. There's was a real ill bank to wall and ledge setup, but it's ruined now... There are about a hundred poles in the ground right in front of it now. Regardless, there is plenty to keep you busy for a few hours, including some long rails, bank to gate rides, and your usual loading dock shit.

Across Rt.46 There are more industrial parks with smaller banks and some other typical stuff. Not a bad trip.




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